To the cute Tamil boy, It was brief. A few meetings or so. Words were exchanged. Glances stolen. Eyes rolled. Hungry passion. Parched lips. Unquenched thirst. Tired bodies. Blissful smiles. Prayers together. She passed away who brought me to you. And now you have moved on swiftly, silently. Maybe someday you'll write back on the offer I presented. And prove that words weren't empty air. न मुझे ही उस का पता कोई, न उसे ख़बर मेरे हाल की, वो क़यामतें जो गुज़र गईं, थीं अमानतें कई साल की है 'मुनीर' तेरी निगाह में कोई बात गहरे मलाल की. (Neither do I know where is he, nor is he aware of the state I am in. That tumultuous time that passed away, T'was your gift I accrued over the years. O Munir (the poet) in your eyes, Is seen a story of deep regret. Love!