Feeling Liberated :)

(About the picture - "Starry Night' by Vincent Van Gogh. One of his most celebrated paintings, a personal favourite. Another one being 'Boats at Saintes Maries'. Was my wall paper for a long long time) Recently I celebrated my birthday. I am officially on the wrong side on 20s now! Friends who were coincidentally here for official conference, had brought cake and we celebrated a little party at midnight! Thank you guys. Love you :) Also, the thing that had occupied every moment of my life, covertly or overtly for the past six months, the chapter of A finally was laid to rest. My inner demons at the end relented and vanquished my mind. And I seriously hope for the good. After an eternity, A sent a polite message hoping all was good with me and wished me happy birthday on my fb wall. And that was the moment when I decided. After months of being in doldrums, I finally made the decision that I should have had made long time back, Nonetheless, all's well that ends ...