
Showing posts from May, 2014

Feeling Liberated :)

(About the picture - "Starry Night' by Vincent Van Gogh. One of his most celebrated paintings, a personal favourite. Another one being 'Boats at Saintes Maries'. Was my wall paper for a long long time) Recently I celebrated my birthday. I am officially on the wrong side on 20s now! Friends who were coincidentally here for official conference, had brought cake and we celebrated a little party at midnight! Thank you guys. Love you :) Also, the thing that had occupied every moment of my life, covertly or overtly for the past six months, the chapter of A finally was laid to rest. My inner demons at the end relented and vanquished my mind. And I seriously hope for the good. After an eternity, A sent a polite message hoping all was good with me and wished me happy birthday on my fb wall. And that was the moment when I decided. After months of being in doldrums, I finally made the decision that I should have had made long time back, Nonetheless, all's well that ends ...

Divine help needed. ASAP!

[About the picture - It is the Fewa Lake in Pokhara, Nepal. Clicked it while taking a walk along the lakeside. If and when you go there, do sit at the shacks at the lakeside and let the breeze in :] (Disclaimer added on 15/May/14 - The following post was written on my touch phone when I was getting drunk! Thought of deleting it, but then, for whom should I delete. It's my blog and I am allowed to be as shallow as possible and crib my heart out when I am drunk :D ) Days and weeks have passed.. Sitting besides the lake..pleasant breeze blowing..good English music in the background..sipping my 3rd Tuborg on a lounge chair in a hill station of another country...I am looking at the convocation pictures of my colleagues which happened today,  which incidentally I should have been attending but unfortunately I could not because I am not graduating year. From being a serious contender in the race for the best student of the year award to the only one who didn't graduate, al...

Letters for A - Floating thoughts!

[About the picture- It is of a beautiful beach almost 120 kms south of Kolkata. Me & A spent an amazing weekend there!] Dear A, Sitting at the airport, waiting for the flight to take me away from the megapolis that was home for past 2 years, my thoughts wander towards you. I am hungry therefore I order the only decent option available (which was ridiculously overpriced!) which turned out to be one of the most horrendous tasting sandwich I have ever had. As I attempt to swallow it, just in order to fill my stomach, my eyes wander towards the sauces available at the counter. And I think of you. Had you been in a similar situation, you would have chosen the best among them and would have made them into something that was not only edible but also inviting. You are famous for your culinary skills (though I never got a chance to have that meal that you promised you would make just for me!) and just listening/reading about the exotic dishes that you used to make, made my saliv...