Letter to Self - one year later!

This in one interesting thing I am going to begin today. The series of -Letter to self over different periods of time. The need for them arises from the utterly liquidated life that I am living these days. With no job, no love, rapidly shrinking savings, and getting fattier and baldier with each passing day, I can barely think of any future. I mean the farthest I can think of is probably Sunday so that I can read the weekly horoscope in the paper. Yeah, that's the height of my uselessness. Having no intention of joining a new job (okay, I have applied for many half-halfheartedly but none of those fuckers called me for an interview!). So basically, as I would say in vernacular language -"Maa chudi hui hai" :p (For me, emotions are rarely conveyed in sophisticated terms.Having lived in hostels for so many years, every heartfelt emotion HAS to be expressed in a "gaali"). Therefore, sitting at home, doing nothing (Not exactly actually. I PRETEND to go to violin ...