
He left this afternoon. After we went out in the scorching heat, to have a too-late-for-breakfast-yet-too-early-for- lunch snack on a Sunday afternoon, we shared a smoke sitting on the stairs of my building. The love bites were all over him,
 peeking out of the no-collar tight T-shirt, a trademark of guys who have been into gymming for long to show off their fruit of labour :)

I had met him on a social networking site meant for instant hook-ups in Kolkata long back, His drool-worthy picture displaying ripping muscles and a cute face. Aren't there cetain guys like that always that you know are too good for you and anyway they will not respond so what's the point of messaging them types? He was one of those kinds. Still I messaged him half hear
tedly and somehow we kept in touch since then. Cut to few months down the line, I am back in Bombay and he was here for some work, we met, went along for a walk along the beach where among other things I shared the history of Bombay with him which he liked immensely. Anyway, he came back to my place and we happily delved in Bengali music and he ended up suggesting me a list of must-watch bengali movies which I am watching these days
The night was scattered with moments of intense passion, kisses galore and raw fuck. All in all, in the morning, I felt happy and content, just the way one feels after a real good night of sex :)

And brought a psychological end-of-sorts to the current phase where I was, quite shamelessly, sleeping around.

I have realized that I have not written much about sex in this blog. I started this blog with the intention of being brutally honest with myself but it got some how side tracked as more emotional & mushy aspect was being expressed  more often and the other equally important part was kind of getting neglected partly to the relationship and breakup thing.

But now that I have been  single & gay for quite sometime, it's only imperative that I write about about my experiences when I indulge my carnal instincts in a whorish aka not-so-gentlemanly manner {Not being sexist, just a joke ;}

Here is a brief sum up some of my latest encounters of how I'll remember you guys!

#too hairy guy - You were the result of my work related frustration so much so that 
one hour before I was to leave for airport, I agreed to you coming to my hotel & dude! thank God I did. Some really awesome orals skills you got there. Plus the mirror antics of course ;)

#Artist guy - The evening was great with drinks and conversations about your celebrity friends. Honestly, I wasn't keen to go back to your place. Almost forced myself, And you, do anything, but please don't mutter about Judgement day & demons in your alcohol induced stupor. It's shit scary! I couldn't take it much longer and thankfully left when you had slept. Btw, you draw beautifully.

#1 am taxi ride guy - I met you just for a chai at midnight. Things turned out unexpectedly. . The way you did your interiors in that little space of your house was commendable, Anyway, sex was barely average. I took another walk of shame that night at 4 am.

#Dumb blonde guy - I was simply awake to catch a flight early morning. You arrive at 2 am smelling great & looking good. But alas! when you open your mouth, i can't differentiate between trash and you. Please for heaven sake, just because you were born and brought up in Bombay uppity doesn't necessarily warrant that you'd talk about fashion/parties/sex blah blah blah...Btw, in bed you were good ;)

#Rooftop sex guys - I was chatting up with one guy I kind of was beginning to like, but when I asked him for a short walk (he lived very close by!) but he wasn't up for it. [Details about this guy later] 
I was feeling turned down and momentarily looking for some let out when I accepted the offer of joining you guys knowing that you were indulging in something illegal simultaneously. Trust me, I don't think much about consequences usually before I do something, but this time I actually had a fleeting thought before I step out at 2 am. Well, it turned out to be an absolute treat. One of you was really great. In all departments. And that's why I met you again later. About the other one,
Bro! Be a tad bit interesting, offer something to talk about. or if nothing, at least be good at sex :/
Nonetheless, the night was wonderful altogether and the early morning walk of shame was happy kinds :)

#Married guy - In a strange city, I met you briefly in your fancy car only to find out you were older that I thought and married with kids, Now, I absolutely have no issues or judgments about how you deal with life. Your morality is completely your business. But I didn't find any sexual chemistry between us and though you came to my hotel, our encounter was more forced than natural and thankfully cut short by that phone call. One thing I couldn't clear
 that night, that I really didn't have any problem with you being married and my disinterest had nothing to do with it.

#Gaon wala guy - Dude, you were awesome. Seriously. The desi kind of gym going guy who doesn't identify himself as anything remotely close to being a gay, who doesn't know an iota of English. The messages we exchanged raunchy messages over last few months in desi hindi replete with cuss words (Btw I am known to be really good at Hindi :p)  were kind of erotic in a different way. It was only natural that the sex would be great & Boy, it so was! Chumma :* Will surely meet you next time when I am back in your city ;p

gay guy - The only thing I remember about you is how stunned you were that I came to meet you cycling 15 kms, all drenched in sweat whereas you were all decked up. The sex was pathetic to be honest. The only thing I am thankful about this encounter is that because of you, I saw the most interiors of the ghetto part of the town I had never ventured into. Also, adding a new word in my dictionary about all this 'gaygiri' - "Fitoor" :p 

#12 am Rum guy - So yeah, of all kinds of drinks I have ever had, rum with coke is my poison.  I have observed my drinking preferences change with time, began with beer briefly but medical school was characterized by whiskey (BP was all we could afford then!). Came Bombay, Rum with coke became the regular habit and a symbol of breaking away from the mundane world. Lately, in past months, I have begun to appreciate Red wine quite a bit :)
Not digressing anymore, got in touch with you over one-liner  mysterious exchanges. Ended up at your place at midnight within a few hours for 'a couple of drinks' ;)
A night well spent though. Drinks! Music! Stories! And esp. trading those medical sarcasms.
Though the late night antics and early morning bathroom drama made it more interesting, but I was more than happy to just the sleep the way we were!

#Too-fair junior guy - A surprise totally. In that small. sultry town packed away in loneliness, it was a surprise how we met. Elder to me in age, post wise you were way too junior to me but  thankfully in some other organization. You were splendid. In all ways. Though it has been quite sometime that left your town, but whenever I think of that place, the idea of you lying on that hotel bed, every evening, with the brown blanket strewn across your milky fair well built physique, is always an integral part of it.And btw, those lips are gorgeous. Totally kissable ;)

Aaah! That's it for today. Next installment later :p


  1. Interesting.. Suddenly googled my way to this blog and its interesting. especially the types.. looking forward for part two

  2. This looks like 'The Black Book' - the list of all sexual partners haha.

    And btw, this "Aren't there certain guys like that always that you know are too good for you and anyway they will not respond so what's the point of messaging them types?" TOTALLY RELATABLE!


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