Brokeback Mountain

[About the picture -Jake Gyllenhaal & Heath Ledger. I love this still from the movie!]

"I wish I knew how to quit you"

My favourite line from the Epic movie. Every time I watch it, a piece of me melts for both of them.
Watched it after a long time. And first time after I met A.

The movie's plain simple guitar music given by Gustavo Santaolalla is an indispensable part of movie experience for me. Especially the track - 'Wings' played during the final scene, it's beautiful but in a gut wrenching way.  The mountains, the stillness, the close ups. the performances. Everything is so tender and real. This movie will always remain for me in the top 3 Queer movies of all times.

And to A, I wish I knew how to quit you :)

Final Scene of Brokeback Mountain


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